Criminal Defense, DUI & Domestic Violence Attorneys serving Olympia, Tacoma, Chehalis, Shelton, Grays Harbor & all of Western Washington

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Criminal Defense, DUI & Domestic Violence Attorneys serving Olympia, Tacoma, Chehalis, Shelton, Grays Harbor & all of Western Washington

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Criminal Defense, DUI & Domestic Violence Attorneys serving Olympia, Tacoma, Chehalis, Shelton, Grays Harbor & all of Western Washington

Pretty nighttime shot of the state capitol in Olympia, WA.

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Charged with a crime?
Got a traffic infraction?
Need your firearm rights restored?

Charged with a crime?
Got a traffic infraction?
Need your firearm rights restored?

Bret in Courtroom


Criminal charges? Traffic Infraction? Gun Rights Restoration? If it involves the police – Better Get Bret! Get me involved early. Do NOT speak to the police. Do NOT speak to the prosecutor or judge alone. Do NOT try to fill out paperwork or answer questions by yourself. Speak to me. Get a professional involved. 

I will be the buffer that stands between you and the court system that is set up to put you in jail, keep your record dirty, and take your money. The criminal justice system was created to make criminals. My job is to keep you from being one. The courts and the insurance companies just want your money. Let me save you money. Let me keep you free. Let me be the representative that you need, so you can find justice.


Get the team you need to fight aggressively on your behalf.



Even the smallest infraction can be costly in the long run.



Our team can ensure you get the rights back that you have earned.



Our network reaches across Western Washington.



I built my business from the ground up with one point of focus – my clients. I honestly care what happens to the people I represent. I care about the outcomes of my cases, and I care about the way my clients feel: what they feel when their case is going; and what they feel once their case ends. When a person calls me for the first time, I want them to be a lifetime client. 

Woman holds cellphone to make a call.

Of course I don’t want a person to ever be charged with a crime again. I understand being accused of committing a crime is a terrifying and awful experience, and many people that call me are meeting me at the lowest point of their lives. But after dealing with me once, whether that be for a simple misdemeanor, a major felony, or even a speeding infraction, I want people to feel confident enough to call me in the future whenever police are involved. Liberty is important, and whether it be a day or a decade a person is facing, I will go to the mat to defend the rights of my clients. I grew up as a fighter, and I bring that mentality into the courtroom. I put myself in the chair of all my clients, and I look at every case as if I were facing the same penalty as they are. Every day I to strive to be the attorney that I would want to hire.

– Bret M. Woody

Eloquence is the power to translate a truth into language perfectly intelligible to the person to whom you speak.

 Ralph Waldo Emerson